Wednesday, January 15, 2020

What is Public Education Teaching About Islam? What Is The Truth?

According to some ''factchecker'' organizations, this below is bogus. The problem of curse is that most ''fact checkers'' are totally operated by progressive democrats and so are 'bogus' themselves.(Good comparison?)

Then to, the problem does exist that a lot of public educators are in favor of teaching about Islam but will not allow any teaching about Christianity. Tax dollars at work. Little wonder then why public education has a bad reputation for being self-serving and corrupted by money and control. 

Voting democrat is risking your personal security as well as that of your family.


Neil Gorsuch has only been on the Supreme Court for a short while. Recently he ignited the fire of liberty and broke 40 years of precedent when he refused to join the SCOTUS “cert pool.”

The cert pool was established in 1973 during the early days of the Burger Court, in order to efficiently review the near 8,000 petitions received each term. In practice, the petitions are apportioned among the Court’s law clerks, who then circulate a memo to the justices recommending a grant or denial. The obvious problem here is that this gives the power in these 8000 cases to the law clerks instead of the Justices. It also, in theory, allows 3rd parties to unfairly influence a case through the clerks.

That is NOT how the Supreme Court was designed to operate. Neil Gorsuch just managed to set his foot down in the Supreme Court and say it is NOT okay to pass off judgments to the discretion of legal clerks. This is the kind of story everyone should be hearing or reading in the media, but obviously is not.

Today , the United States Supreme Court issued a direct and final blow to the Islamic Indoctrination of the young in this nation. The full panel of the United States Supreme Court which consists of 9 judges met to decide the fate of Islamic indoctrination in our American public schools. In a typical 5 X 4 decision, common sense won out, and we have sanity restored to our schools once again.

The United States Supreme Court was able to hand out this decision banning Sharia Law and Islam from being taught in classrooms because of the tie-breaking vote of the newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Gorsuch went on to write about the decision:

“The government certainly has no business being involved in religion, but this isn’t a government issue or a religious issue. This is about the judicial branch interpreting the laws as they apply to the teaching of religion. We shouldn't be teaching any religions in the public schools of this country''

Amen, Justice Gorsuch, Amen!

Liberals are all about teaching Islam and Sharia Law but they have issues with “Under God” in the pledge of allegiance and “In God We Trust” on our currency.

This should have been a unanimous decision, not 5 to 4, but it seems like the 4 liberal judges on the Supreme Court don’t care about the Constitution, nor our values. Perhaps this is the start of restoring America to its founding glory.

Thank GOD for our new Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch--- a great selection by President Trump.

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