Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Cory Booker : What Happened To His Agenda?

Why did Booker fail to convince the public he was black enough to win? Ask most black people that were paying attention and they say it was his shameless use of blackness to gain an advantage. Booker never had anything else to use. He never had any issues to make life better for the American people. All he had to offer was more of what Barrrack Ogbjmma had to offer us for 8 long years. Decline and chaos.

The worst part is he didn't even understand what Trump already was making life a lot better after 8 years of Barrrack Ogbjmma's catastrophic religious jihad agenda for "fundamental'' change.

democrat rely on the voters to be stupid. Now things have changed and most of the porgressive socialsit liberal democrats haven't noticed.

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