Sunday, January 12, 2020

Climate change Innovation Needed : Walk to Work. Survive No Heat or Air Conditioning!

According to the climate fascists, coal and gas fired energy production must end and end now! We can't wait another year to start the process of healing the planet.

This all makes such good sense, right?  

Use the American way to find a better way to make life survivable without cars and airplanes. Stay home more and find jobs where you can walk to work. Oh and demand hospitals are close to all population centers. Find ways to do without refrigerates and freezers. 

With a little ingenuity, life will change for the better with electricty 24/7. Trust me on this.  Night time darkness is something to get use to as what little electrial power there is avalablre, the power will be shut off when the sun goes down or the wind doesn't blow or both.(In some cases like just mentioned, the power might not come back on for extended periods of time).

The down side maybe is there will not be any back up power generation for hospitals or retirement homes which will cause deaths in the millions. But on the other hand which actually will be good for the planet. Less people to waste energy. 

Then to, thousands will parish from the cold in the north without heat and heat in the south without air conditioning. Also good for the planet.

Vote in November like you believe they are right!

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