Friday, January 24, 2020

CIA's Eric Ciraramella, ''The Whistle Blower'', Reaches AND Controls All democrats!

The establishments impeachments ''Whistle Blower'', Eric Ciaramella is on full display. But why are the meia outlets refusing to acknowledge this fact? 

Eric Ciaramella's reach into the progressive socialist liberal democrat establishment is astounding.  And that he was assigned by the CIA to tell Adam Schiff how to proceed in the impeachment of Donald Trump leaves little left to believe or wonder just how corrupt the democrats really and truly are. Not what they have become, they have not changed, but showing us all who they are from the beginning.

The true intent and agenda of the democrats is and always has been the destruction of America as founded for the individual freedom to chose. The individual is no longer acceptable to the elite democrat leadership. All most accept and believe life must be ordered and established by a centralized authority.

The democrat agenda is only for the total control of the population. Nothing less or more. The politician is only the front people, the pawn for the real power.

 But who exactly is the real power behind the curtain pulling on the levers?

From the top to the bottom, everyone knows who's in charge and 
who must obey!

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