Monday, January 20, 2020

Bernie Changes Tactacts and Messaging : He Copies A Winner!(Kinda)

This just in from Washington, Bernie has decided to use a winning strategy for his failing campaign. Only he knew he had to change some things to illustrate his agenda and ideology. After 8 years of Barrrack Ogbjmma, Bernie message had to show how progressive democrats loved those years liberal progress.

His critics were completely caught off guard. The media took him to task for telling the truth which made everyone look like fools on parade. What the media was so angry about was democrats made America a shithole during Barrrack's two terms in office. It worked once why trying it again!

They wallowed in the smell!

But now he thinks he can do a better job the Ogbjmma's religious jihad for ''Fundamental change''. I guess what scare the media and the collective is Bernie is a communist with the same message as Barrrack!  Say it aint so!

Bernie makes his move for ''change''.

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