Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Leftist Use Words As Weapons : Conservatives Under attack!(Podcast)

People are what ever they want to be, and that includes everyone on both sides of the aisle or debate. It's also true though the progressive socialsit liberals have the bigger soap box to demand obedience from all of us. We, Conservatives believe the socialists are wrong and in many cases their rhetoric is dangerous.

Donald Trump will be seen as a pivotal figure in American history. He has changed the course our nation has been on for generations, a course were socialism, a central authority being all things to all people, back to individual freedom and sovereignty being his foremost agenda.

Little wonder then the progressive socialists are so anger. They don't understand him and therefore they can't defeat him.

The second president in our history to be pivotal in nature. Donald Trump
is changing American history.

How the Left Manipulates Language to Defeat Conservatives
Rachel del Guidice / /

In politics, language is central—the words we use, what they mean, and what we want them to mean. As our guest today, The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles explains how the left is a master of language manipulation. Liberals often win political victories by redefining words and rewiring our brains.

“The lie of the left that they’re pushing is that the truth is somehow cruel and harmful and that delusion will make us happy and free,” says Knowles. “That has never been true anywhere in history.“

 Listen on the podcast:  Podcast :

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