Friday, January 24, 2020

''The Three Stooges'' Of Politics : democraaats Go For Broke!?

The three democraaat ''stooges'' for the 2020 election that claim they lead all democraaat in the fight to stop Donald Trump from saving the country from default and pestilence with his terrible successes in foreign and domestic policies, are wholly in involved in delivering as many lies, hate and contempt for the citizens of this still great country as they can. It's who they are!

Oh no! Trump's ship-of-state has lifted all boats! Success gone wild! This must end and end now! ''Impeach the bustard before he wins again in November".

Worse, there are so many among us that keep voting for these people even when they know from experience. they, the worst political warriors for enslaving the population to a disastrous socialist dictatorship, are ready and willing to actually destory those very voter's existence as free Americans just to gain power. You have to know they don't care!

How is this possible that so much ignorance could control so many citizens that are currently living the dream of success in their own lives? If you want to live in freedom and liberty, never vote democraaat again!

These democrats hate you and what you stand for!

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