Sunday, January 26, 2020

AOC's Collective Ideology for Workers : Obey Me And Survive! The "C" Word Applies!

And it is a collective, the new progressive socialsit liberal democrat organization is a collective of people that have the same idea about their new future for prosperity.

History has another name for the AOC model for worker satisfaction, it's called communism. Oh no, the "C" word!

She has to agree with the historical motto of world wide Marxist communist ideology, ''From each according to their ability, and To each according to their need''. 

AOC sits in the front pew of the church of classic socialism until it's her time to ascend to the lectern. Ever wonder why AOC teamed up the Bernie Sanders? Bernie is an admitted communist! But Bernie is just a tool to be used and abused for the greater good!

The reward of accepting the ideology of collective's agenda is functioning poverty. It's  poverty and it's demanded by the collective leadership to level the playing field where everything is the same, no one has more or less than anyone else. Life from beginning to end is just treading water to remain above the waves.

Poverty for the workers they, the socialist like AOC and the others at the levers of power, claim is not so bad after you get use to it, when you finally understand you have no choice!

 When you have no alternative and no other options, obeying the rules insure your chances for being a member of the larger socialist collective are good. Disobey he rules, as history is a witness, your chances of having a life of any kind are limited if not predetermined.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez School of Economics
Ben Shapiro / /

On Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., sat for a discussion with author Ta-Nehisi Coates. She dropped a number of shocking statements—statements that elicited nothing but murmurs of agreement from Coates.

AOC claimed: “No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.”

How, pray tell, are American billionaires responsible for such massive theft? According to AOC, the very mechanisms of capitalism mandate such theft. In her view, successful businesspeople simply exploit their workers while maximizing their profits.

Hypothetically speaking about billionaires making widgets, she said: “You didn’t make those widgets! You sat on a couch while thousands of people were paid modern-day slave wages and, in some cases, real modern-day slavery … You made that money off the backs of undocumented people.”

This, of course, is nonsense. Voluntary exchange of labor for wages is, as stated, voluntary, and the fact that there are many people willing and able to labor in the manufacture of widgets is presumably responsible for lower wages.

Companies that refuse to pay their workers market wages will soon watch those workers migrate to other businesses or other industries. It is a patent violation of free market principles to utilize force in order to compel someone to work for you; blaming the free market for coercion is like blaming free speech for censorship. Exploitation in labor markets is typically accompanied by government subsidies, regulation, and interventionism.

So, how does AOC magically turn economic freedom into economic tyranny? By suggesting that true freedom lies in collective control of the means of production: “If you’re a billionaire, that means that you control a massive system. … It means that you have a massive labor force under your control, and to be ethical if you’re a billionaire today, the thing that you need to do is give up control and power.”

But to whom would such power and control be given? AOC suggests that major companies be turned into worker cooperatives—companies whose workers own and control the business.

But, of course, that doesn’t solve her problem: If workers own and control the business, they are properly classified as capitalists. They will have to make decisions to make the business competitive, which means keeping wages competitive, for example.

This is precisely what has happened with one of the world’s biggest worker collectives, the Spanish Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, whose worker-owners have “learned to think like the shareholders of any other global business,” according to The Guardian.

In fact, most companies begin with a few workers who pool their capital and labor: Facebook, for example, handed out stock options to employees, resulting in a $23 billion valuation for its initial employees when the company went public. Does that make those workers evil capitalists?

In the end, what AOC truly wants is government control. Worker collectives won’t do the trick. Only top-down government redefinition of the value of labor will.

When AOC claims that capitalists merely leech off the true value of labor, she suggests that labor can be measured without reference to the market.

How would AOC measure the value of such labor? Presumably through appeals to “fairness.” There is only one problem with this method: It simply doesn’t work.

Consumers determine the value of products; producers do not. The diffuse informational system of the free market, which rewards the power of entrepreneurship, rather than punishing it, creates prosperity; top-down control creates poverty. In fact, the greatest guarantee of the sort of poverty AOC decries is the destruction of the same system she decries.

But according to AOC, we have nothing to fear from government, and “the government is us.” The fact that Coates, one of the most prominent writers on the evils of Jim Crow, nodded along should demonstrate that those on the left do not understand the consequences of their own philosophy.

The government is not “us,” because we are not a collective. We are individuals with rights. But in AOC’s world, we have no rights—we have only our role as members of a collective controlled by those who agree with her. And that is exploitation and tyranny.


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