Monday, January 20, 2020

Donald Trump Tasked by The Constitution to Protect The Country! - Right? : Foreign And Domestic!

You can run but you can't hide from Donald Trump!
The new sheriff is ready and willing to decide what is best for America. This is his number #1 job. Protect the country and it's people.

According to the Constitution of the United States, the president is ordered to protect the country from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

The killing of Soleimani and Baghdadi are both foreign enemies.

Fighting the progressive socialist liberal democrats are the domestic enemies of the country. Given what the progressive democrats are doing today has criminal intent. They are now an enemy of the people.

He alone is responsible, tasked under the law to do this!

Both of these enemies want to destory our way of life. Both seek to take away our freedoms and liberties. Both seek to enslave people to their power.

So what's the problem with Donald Trump? He is doing his job according to the law of the land.

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