Monday, April 15, 2019

What Created The American Dream : Two Major Institutions.

Which begs the question, why would they want to destory success? Why would a organization that relies on a vibrant and growing society for support want to destory it?

And it's clear they hate Christians, but why do they love Muslims? Does this make any sense?

What's the agenda of the porgressive socialist liberal democrats that it requires the demonization and therefore the destruction of the Christian faith and the instrument that brought about, created the possibility for an organized and civil society to exist? How come?

What is their plan to make America better? After the destory the country as it was founded, what then? What's in store for all of us if they win power in the next election? 

It's ease to understand with just controlling the legislature the chaos they have reeked on the country with only hate as their issues. Just imagine having the presidency as well.

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