Sunday, April 28, 2019

democrat Reparations : Free Everything - Life Is Good!

The tactic of the modern progressive socialsit liberal democrats are not new, they use the same strategy for every election and sadly it works in many cases.

But the question that remains is, Why? Isn't it intelligent preparation and hard work that produces success not standing in line with your hand out? And yet million have and many million more now are making the decision to vote for the free stuff even when many know the old saying is true, 'there is no free lunch' still pushes them to believe the promises of politicians who just want their vote.

What is it, a mob mentality? Everyone else that they know is doing it. The Lotto mentality? If I can just win the Lotto I will be on easy street. I feel like a winner. You are more likely to be struck by lightning twice in one day then winning the Lottery.

Isn't fair to say ''A sucker is born every minute and two to take them''?

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