Monday, April 15, 2019

Understanding Logic And Common Sense : Government Solutions for Everything.

Being a progressive socialist liberal democrat has nothing to do with logic and common sense, it's only about getting and keeping power and by any means necessary. Common sense and logic are scoffed at as 'so last week', all that is required now of anyone is to listen to what your betters tell you and obey.

What is so difficult about that?

What good is a gun when the government guarantees your safety? Give up your guns you foolish people and all will be good. Many of you will have to die probably in the process of confiscation of your firearms, but over all, the result will be peace and equality of outcomes. Everyone will subjected to the same laws. No one will have an advantage over someone else as it is now. (Well, all most no one. Some will have to at the levers of power and be able to pull the trigger)

But hey not to worry about all negative stuff, everything will be free, even your choice to do what you are told. And even better, you can keep your smart phone close by, for now, as there really is no life outside of the 3X5 screen.

Wait for the signal and then read the instructions on how to proceed with your life. No more worries, only willing obedience.

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