Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Nadler Demonstrating The democrats Agenda : The Old Is New. It Always Worked.

As long as the progressive socialist liberal democrats have nothing new and innovative on their agenda, fat chance, then they have to keep going in the same direction, doing what they always do, cause as much chaos and conflict as possible. Where there is confusion, there is profit.

The progressive psychosis of socialist collective was born of deceit and demagoguery, can now be seen as an institution of diseased and malfunctioning disciples of the progressive socialist democrat apostasy. A heresy. Original thought was abandoned generations ago, if it ever existed at all. Now it's a blinded malfeasance of the law and liberty to change the country to fit their personal ideology.

Their outrageous contempt for individual freedom now is front and center displaying its total disfunction and betrayal of all things associated with freedom, liberty and prosperity for everyone as they see fit in the lives.

What good reasons to vote for more democrats. You really don't care much about freedom, right? Hell, you have your smart phone, what more is there to life!

Insanity from the progressive democrats on display 
for all to see and understand. Nothing of substance, only an
agenda of hate and destruction for America.

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