Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Jesus Is Watching : The Burgler Was Caught!

Smile. It okay even if someone is watching.

Jesus is watching you!

One night a burglar broke into a house looking for something to steal. All of a sudden he heard a voice in the darkness say "Jesus is watching you".

Startled, the man looked around and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, went back to what he was doing....then he heard it again.

"Jesus is watching you"

The man turned around, shined his flashlight into the living room and saw a parrot in a cage. The man walked up to the parrot and said "did you say that?"

"Yes I did" the parrot replied.

The man said "what's your name?"

The parrot said "Moses"

The man said "what kind of idiot names their parrot Moses?"

The parrot answered "The same idiot that names their Pit Bull Jesus"

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