Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Gang of 12, 15, 20 + Runners : ''I'm further Left Then The Rest'' Even A Communist?

What's not to like here? Every distinction of what is extreme and wrong is represented by the progressive socialist democrats running for president. The only real difference is just how delusional and pathologically unbalanced they can show themselves to be to their lunatic base.

What is really astounding is they don't seem to recognize the fact that they are demonstrating for all to see that they are not from around here. They are from some place that doesn't recognize or understand reality.

But hey, they are all progressive democrats, socialist and extremely liberal. Does any of this make sense at all? They mean to do us all harm. Do not vote for self destruction!

Vote for me because I'm so far to the left, I'm close to the 
abyss of eternal darkness. I'm the best to lead America!

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