Sunday, April 14, 2019

Justice In America : Good For Some - Bad For Many

But what is so incredable, no one seems to care. So what if the system is rigged, as long as the progressive socialists win, all is well. Where are those that are suppose to care? Too few to make a difference? Federal judges that find it more important to ''toe ''the progressive socialist collective line to please their leaders is a crime against the people, the citizens that want justice but get progressive socialsit liberal politics instead, is a crime against our civil society and our Constitution. Never ever vote for self destruction. It's not in your best interest to jump off a tall building when you have a better solution to your problems in the voting booth. Wake up, look around, listen, weigh the actual solutions now in progress, and then it easier to understand what is happening right now in our country and who has made the difference for individuals, average citizens finding success. It is about individual freedom and liberty as our country was founded on those principals. We have 240 years of proof that it works and works for everyone.

Nothing to see here. It's just business and liberal politics as usual.

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