Monday, April 08, 2019

AOC Explains The Impossible : Nothing Is Impossible - I Can Do This!

This is a great depiction of just how nuts the new wave porgressive socialist liberal democrats really are. Make no mistake, they really believe they can convince the voting public that no matter how ridiculous their statements are, the public is stupid enough and so ill-informed that they will still vote for them.

Sadly, in more cases then not, there is a huge number of people that will believe the impossible can be achieved and not be self-destructive.

And what is so puzzling, how did this person become front and center among those that should know better? Even for progressive socialist liberal democrats she is insufferably further left then anyone else and yet she is a hero. How come?

Is it that the porgressive socialist liberal left democrats are actually all this out of control and were just waiting for someone to come along and verbalize their real agenda for America? Other then crazy Bernie that is?

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