Sunday, April 21, 2019

Ilhan Omar Elected by Her Piers : Infidels Must Kneel

And then you woke up in a dead sweat to what you thought was the worst dream you have ever had, Then to an even worse situation, the sudden realization that it wasn't a dream at all, but the worst nightmare anyone could have.

Someone as been elected to a federal office that wants you on your knees to their ideology or dead. Someone that doesn't believe America as it was founded on individual freedom, but believes it's like he country she immigrated from.

But the real shock comes when you become aware it wasn't an subconscious nightmare, but you are living a reality beyond anything you could have imagined just a few months ago!

It becomes clear that people like her and her friends that didn't accomplish their goal to defeat the spirit of Americans from outside the country now believe they can defeat America from within.

And know this, there are millions of Americans that believe she is right, but have no idea what it's like to live on their knees.

The definition of domestic terrorism.

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