Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Where's the Outrage From Objma? : Who's Kate Steinle?

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/12140564_878424775577377_8943926201562164954_n.jpg?oh=b92a47df9d7055973db7bae4184e1ea6&oe=56CDAB5DThe worst part of this is so few among us take notice of Mr Objam's selective outrage. In this case it didn't present the needed talking points that would bring the ignorant and uninformed awake, like a school shooting or a Republican found to have a fire arm in a public place that prohibited them.

As well as having an illegal alien involved in a murder, and in a sanctuary city, and having been deported five times doesn't have the same impact and special outrage attached to it that brings out the bleeding heart liberal democrats to demand action against guns, gun owners and manufactures of guns.

Oh, and that the illegal alien murdered a white person really doesn't have an impact on the progressive public narrative like a white person shooting an illegal alien even in self defense.


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