Monday, November 16, 2015

America's Leader Cowers Behind Climate Change? : For Real or By Design?

And now will the real president of the United States please stand up and be recognized!

Under  better times this would be humors, but given the events over the last few days in Paris, the mass killings in Syria and other places in the middle east, and how our leader has decided he has no idea what to do about anything except how to drive America to destruction, there is no humor in having our leader seen as a buffoon or much worse.

In light of all of Mr Objma's actions to reduce America to a nation seen as cowering in retreat and fear, we now can finally realize that millions of voters have made a very bad decision, mistake, to place in power a complete incompetent ideological lunatic.

As thousands die at the hands of mass killers, Mr Objma chooses to ignore their killings as systemic and real, and declaring climate change as the real threat to the Western world, Mr Objma makes it clear he supports the Islamic jihad for world domination and America's acquiescence to it.

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