Thursday, November 26, 2015

Mr Objma's Background for Negotiating : Community Orgainizing In Chicago


So, when Mr Objma was vetted did they find anything strange in his back ground? What did they find when they looked into his childhood years like the media did for Sarah Palin? Who were his teachers when he was growing up? What was his home life like and what was his relationship like with his father? I wonder what his college, academic records show what he was doing and thinking during all those years of educational excellence?
And what did they find when the investigated his back ground as a community organizer in Chicago? What did they find when they looked into his back ground as a constitutional scholar and how that helped him with is teachings and organizing?

Oh wait - Mr Objma was never vetted and his past educational history of his thinking, ideology, are sealed from view. But never mind, he's the "One" we have been waiting for.

The Chicago Experience

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