Thursday, September 05, 2013

Germany Attacks Family for Home Schooling : Children Removed

Here is story from Germany about a family that wants to home school their children, but the government says they can't, it's the law, so they attacked the family and removed the children from the house hold. The government said the family will not see their children any time soon.

Can this really be happening in a Western nation like Germany? Why not. Just look at what happens in America when the government decides that an organization has taken a stand contrary to the agenda of that government believing it is not in their best interests. They are attacked by nearly every government department and agency to make sure they don't interfere with the government's agenda.

That to believe America's current government won't attack families and religions to further their agenda is to believe in the tooth fairy. Even after the IRS was revealed to be attacking Conservative and religious groups for their right of freedom of speech and assembly, nothing has changed, they are still doing what they have been doing for the last five years, attacking everyone that believes in individual freedom.

Understand, we are under attack by forces that believe the right to free speech and thought must be controlled to assure the agenda of the progressive socialists succeeds. To believe other wise is to assure our own demise as a free people.

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