Monday, September 09, 2013

Al Jazeera Main Stream : Verizon Welcomes Them?

Just because we have a Constitution doesn't mean we have lay down and  be stepped on by our enemies or killed. We do have the enough good sense recognize a threat to our country when those that want us dead tell us exactly what they will do and how they will do it.

That all of these major TV carriers are adding this network to our 'paid' packages is an  outrage to anyone with enough common sense to believe these are not nice people, and they do indeed what us dead or enslaved to their ideology.

Lalor threatens boycott of cable providers if they don't drop 'Al Jazeera America'


A Republican lawmaker is demanding major cable networks drop Al Jazeera as part of basic cable packages, claiming the network is "notoriously anti-American, anti-Semitic and misogynistic."

After hearing complaints from his constituents, Kieran Michael Lalor, R-Fishkill, is calling on Verizon, Comcast, DirecTV and Dish Network to drop the Qatar-based broadcasting network from their cable packages. Al Jazeera America began airing August 20 in the United States.

"Al Jazeera is the anti-American, anti-Semitic, misogynistic propaganda wing of a foreign government," Lalor said. "The network has celebrated brutal terrorists and 'reported' as fact anti-Semitic 9/11 truther conspiracy theories. American TV viewers shouldn't have to subsidize Al Jazeera through a part of their basic cable bill."

According to Lalor, Al Jazeera, which is owned by the "Arab dictatorship of Qatar," as he puts it, has a "well-earned reputation for promoting anti-American and anti-Semitic propaganda," the assemblyman said. Lalor says the network hosted a birthday party for a known terrorist, Samir Kuntar, celebrating him as a "pan-Arab hero." The assemblyman also notes the network purchased fireworks to celebrate Kuntar's release from prison in 2008.

In a letter to Lowell McAdams, chairman and chief executive officer for Verizon Communications Inc., and Brian Roberts, chairman and chief executive officer for Comcast Corporation, Lalor threatens to lead a boycott against the companies if they do not drop the channel from their basic cable packages.

"These television providers need to drop Al Jazeera from their basic cable packages. If they don't, I'll be proud to lead a boycott until they do," Lalor said. "I'll also encourage municipalities to revoke the monopolies the companies currently enjoy."

"To be clear, this is not a First Amendment issue. The free press clause of the First Amendment does not protect foreign powers who wish to broadcast propaganda into our country and our homes," Lalor continued. "Moreover, at this time my constituents and I are not objecting to the existence of the channel. We object to Al Jazeera America's inclusion as a basic cable channel that subscribers are forced to pay for and receive rather than as an a la carte channel that can be added to a basic package."

Lalor stressed Al Jazeera is not owned by private citizens of a foreign country, but rather by the country's government, suggesting its content is nothing more than propaganda. Lalor also points out news stations typically include 12 minutes of commercials per hour, although Al Jazeera only includes about six minutes of advertisements, most of which consisted of Al Jazeera staff members promoting the network – a detail Lalor says proves Al Jazeera is not a "profit making move" for Qatar but instead is way to spread propaganda into America.

"It's a modern-day Trojan horse," Lalor said.

Al Jazeera America launched its operations late last month following the purchase of Current TV, to use as a distribution network.

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