Thursday, September 12, 2013

Green Jobs Statistics Managed : Who Knew?

One has to wonder just how many jobs that the BLS reports to the nation as new when in reality they are managed to meet an agenda? Worse, what happens when the nations thinks jobs are being created but in reality unemployment is increasing all the time when we are told it isn't, and by the time it reaches a critical point where more people are unemployed then employed and demanding services that can not be given, what will we do or who will be blame?

When we know the IRS, DOJ, NSA and the EPS along with nearly every department in our government it dedicated to attacking the opposition to the progressive socialists Democrat party, why would we believe the Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS or the GAO, be any different? Why would they tell us all the truth?

Remember, even the FBI is part of the Democrat party, as they were more then willing to attack the Tea Party and religious institutions at the same time the IRS and the DOJ were fully engaged for the last several years in opposition to Republicans and Conservative organizations to gain favor with those in power.

As the labor market continues to shed jobs due to ObamaCare and other socialists programs, the BLS shows the unemployment dropping. It's never mentioned that thousands leave the labor market every month, giving up looking for a jobs. I wonder, who in this government, is actually telling us the truth if anyone?

Government Accountability Office Report on Green Jobs
Source: Benjamin Zycher, "A Fascinating Report from the Government Accountability Office," The American, September 4, 2013.
September 12, 2013

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a report announcing that the "[Department of] Labor's Green Jobs Efforts Highlight Challenges of Targeted Training Programs for Emerging Industries... Of the $595 million identified by Labor as having been appropriated or allocated specifically for green jobs activities since 2009, approximately $501 million went toward efforts with training and support services as their primary objective," says Benjamin Zycher, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
  • Of the $595 million, over 84 percent was spent on "training and support services" rather than actual employment.
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that total green employment increased by about 158,000 jobs between 2010 and 2011.
  • The real problem is definitional: Of that total increase, 102,000 jobs were in construction, largely as a result of changes in the "energy efficiency" of construction materials.
The creation of "green jobs" as a side effect of various policies is a benefit for the workers hired (or for those whose wages rise with increased market competition for their services). But for the economy as a whole, that use of scarce labor is a cost because those workers no longer would be available for productive activity elsewhere.

In short, an expanding "green" sector must be accompanied by a decline in other sectors, whether relative or absolute, and creation of "green jobs" must be accompanied by destruction of jobs elsewhere. At best, the BLS count of green employment is a gross figure that ignores the larger employment effects of government "green" policies.

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