Saturday, September 07, 2013

Obama Rides to The Rescue : Silver Bullet Time

According to Mr Obama, all it will take is one silver bullet - 'cross this red line and you will suffer the consequences, I promise you that'  All hell will break loose from Washington. I can see Mr Obama angry enough to keep his word now the red line has been crossed.

It is believed he is going to appoint the most incredible blue ribbon panel that he has ever appointed that will be directed to advise Mr Obama on strategies to bring peace and stability in Syria and else where even if it takes three more years to make it happen. It's prudent to think these things through and not be like that cowboy Bush.

He instructed the panel to work very hard through out the day so when he gets back from golf, and you know he is angry when he tells the panel if they are done before he finishes the back nine to call him and will jet right back to the office to get the results from this distinguished brain trust. He insists even if he is only the 17th, he will come back. That has never happened before so everyone will know how angry he is.

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