Sunday, September 01, 2024

How to Decide What Is Real : What Is Their History!?

To allow these two people anywhere near the seats of power is to accept the obvious, you don't understand your place in the larger society and what your duty is to God, family and country. 

We as citizens must do our duty to protect what others have done in our past to preserve the freedoms and liberty we all enjoy. To do anything less is to abandon our birthright, where this country that has provided everything we have as American citizens will be forfeit.

Future generations will curse our failures!

Stay awake and watch and listen to what they say as to who they are and what they intend to do for the rest of us who wait for success and a bright future.

Find out what is true and what is false in their statements.
Your future and that of your family is at risk of being
lost. There will not be another chance for redemption
for generation to come.

They mean to do us all harm!

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