Friday, February 02, 2024

Why Are Electric Cars A Problem? : democraaats Pivoting!!

 The question most often asked is why are they so intent on eclectic cars but not the support that is required for them around the country in the manner of charging stations?

Is it the Ockham's Razor theory, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one, it's the ''green new deal''(GND), ending all fossil energy dependence for transportation which will force everyone to stay close to home. (Oh, and demanding something that is impossible is just another pivot from the real problems we face everywhere caused by the Marxist democraaat criminals in power!)

Also, under the GND, all movement will require permission from government officials. 

And dors it really matter that the GND is a complete
fraud? Of courser not, ''Pay attenton to the shinny
object over there (Pivot) while they steal us all blind!''

And if that isn't enough, they don't work in the winter!!!

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