Friday, May 08, 2020

democraaats Using Fear As A Weapon for Control! : Wear Masks or Die!

Remember Rohm Emanuel, the chief of staff for Barrrack Ogbjmma when he declared for all demoicraaat's intentions, saying they will never let a crisis go to waste. This Wuhan Chinese virus was made to order for the democraaats to ramp-up fear for citizens well being even when there is no data to support it.

In the second largest county in the state, Dane the number of confirmed cases has been stable for secveal weeks even thought the testing has increased by more then 500 in the last two days. As of 5/7 there are 447 cases testing positive, 13,096 tested negative. Now the deaths having not increased at all over the last week or more standing at 22. The population of Dane county is about 531,000.

So why the demand for obedience and compliance to shut down and grovel in fear?:??? As the saying goes, you can run but you can't hide from an illusion.

But progressive socialist literal democraaats, like Tony Evers and so many others in this great state of Wisconsin just can't resist the opportunity to demonstrate their personal and political need for the power for control.

Truly, it is a sickness that will destory them and everyone else if we allow it to continue to abuse us!

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