Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Face Masks A Tool For Fear Mongering? : democraaats Demand Masks! How Come?

democraaats understand if they can convince the entire country to wear a mask every time they go out outside, the mask can be a tool of fear to control them even though it has nothing to do with the virus. The data hasn't been shown that social distancing or the mask have done nothing to resolve the Wuhan virus.

An ER surgeon says his mask he uses in the operating room is about 80% effective but using the same mask outside, about 30% effective. Just imagine when you see a handkerchief or a dust mask being used how effective that is. It's only a tool!

The good doctor Fauci is saying we can never shake hands again, ever! Or hug or maybe even go to church. But he says it's okay to have sex with strangers though!(Meeting on line then getting it on later) Who the hell is this guy?

And little wonder that most states controlled by progressive socialist liberal democraaats are still locked down until further notice, they continue to demand masks be worn and gloves if necessary. And worse now, the "experts'' are saying that the Wuhan virus last a lot longer then first thought, it can stay on everything you touch after coming home from the store.

The democraaats are now saying all surfaces, cloths, the house, the dog, the kids must be sanitized every minute of every day or you and your family are at risk of death.

Really, never vote democraaat again! It's really bad for your mental and physical heath. They mean to do us all harm!

Watch the video of might happen with sanitizing everything you have like the democraaats want!

You know, just maybe! 

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