Sunday, May 10, 2020

FBI Itself Under Investigation 2020 : Why? How Come? Intent Ideological?

What has the FBI become? Is it just the leadership or is it more then that? It sure seems that for the leadership to conduct business, like a good military needs troops to carry out it's mission, the FBI needs people to carry out it's missions as well.

And with more the 35,000 members located in every state and in many country's, it sure seems logical that a number of FBI employees would or could be activated to help with the agenda of leadership.

Are some of FBI's membership orgaizated to accomplish a certain goal that will harm the population is not a certain thing, but given what has transpired over the last 4 years in the FBI, the DOJ, the State Department and the CIA, there is good reason to believe corruption was manifest.

It is reasonable to believe, even any hint of such personal attempts to use the power of this organization to gain control of any other section of our Constitutional government must be seen as a threat to the population at large.

With the FBI operating on a personal level to gain power for control by and for a national political organization leaves little to wonder their total intention as political. A political organization moving to take power by taking it from another and the people themselves.

As the saying goes, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

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