Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Past Time To Unmask - Do It Now! : The Flu And Citizens Going Forward!!

We have alway known this! We all are desiged by God to survive the worst!  This is how our country was built.  People living a life the hard way, hard work, surviving the elements and the worst infections. Some didn't survive, sadly but most did. Thank God for what He provided in the human body!

Time to understand what's going on in our country. The Wuhan thing is just another problem that will have to be solved like all of our other problems we have faced like this in the past, we go forward. Some of our good citizen will suffer like they do every year but it didn't stop in our tracks.

Much like the flu of past years it goes away in the spring. The Wuhan thing is has run it's course. The sun is out and the temperature is warm, summer is here again. The shut down, the masking are tools of fear for control. Don't allow them to take control of our lives!

It's time to unmask, shake a hand and then give a friend a hug, this is no worse the flu that has infected 100's of millions in past years but some how we didn't notice. And best of all, we didn't all die! Who knew?

Why, according to the ''experts'', especially a 36 year governemnt career bureaucrat, that's paid to know better, at this point in time, if death is at our door??? What the hell was he doing for the 36 years? Why didn't he have even the simplest clue this was coming since the NIH is involved at Wuhan in some kind of international agreement, and he still didn't know about this??????????

The worst case sanario possible is the ''good doctor'' Fauci had to go with the flow, he knew but didn't say anything because he was told by freinds and associates to stay on the sidelines. There are bigger fish to fry then saving a few lives.

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