Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Star Trek Crew Puzzled! : A Disease Called Pelosi!(Video)

The Star Trek crew watch a past history event of a strange disease from the old planet earth and find it so weird as they have so much technology on it but still find no connection to reality. Who knew even centuries from now still find Nancy Pelosi's disease puzzling. 

They find during their investigation of the disease, the citizen of the that time period  didn't think anything strange at all but typical of those people that processed a mutant DNA gene that made them go out of control, requiring professional medical help as they presented a danger to them salves and others.

Still the star ship Enterprise crew members were amazed that so many could have this disease and yet their society still functioned. The data also showed though the diseased members were countered by members of their society that didn't have the disease, and were actually immune from catching it and were very productive!

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