Friday, May 15, 2020

Sheriff Department Attacks Hair Salon! : This Audacity Must End!

One might think this was the attack on Olive Stone by police during he Mueller investigation. But no, you would be wrong, it's just a women that wanted to earn some money to feed her kids during the shut-dwon law that must be obeyed even if thousands must die to project the democraaat agenda for destruction of the country so they can win in November.

If 10 thousand must die from suicide, drug abuse, then so be it, but the struggle for power among the progressive democraaats is focused and unrelenting. By any means necessary.

"Okay Leroy, I t think I see her standing by the front door helping a 
customer inside. If we rush her firing as we go and then ramming the 
armored car through  the front, we end this atrocity for personal freedom!". 

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