Thursday, May 21, 2020

Masks Really Work? Gloves? : What Do People Know?

Hey, the mask has nothing to do with the virus!!! The mask is just a tool used by progressive democraaats to take control of the population. Many people are using handkerchiefs or dust masks or just about anything else just to comply.

The Wuhan is going away just like all flu corona viruses do. But don't talk to the good doctor Fauci about this, silly talk is not part of his purview of what constitutes infectious disease, he is about staying relevant. Remember, he is after all a 36 year government bureaucrat. What's not to like and understand how seamless they make our government work.

The good doctor Fauci became head of the NIH in 1984. What has he done to make our lives better? Gun control? 

Surgeons say even the best masks they use during surgery is good only about 70% to 80% effective for the transmission of infectious material, but outside they are no better then 30%. The question now is exactly what is the best material for a PPE mask? Or is any mask worth the effort?

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