Monday, November 05, 2018

Government Oversight Is Best For The Little People : democrats Understand This

democrats promise to end prosperity and the individual freedom to chose. 
Life under government control is best for everyone.

'But not to worry that democrats will cause chaos and conflict if we win on the 6th midterm elections.'

They repeatedly said they will do just that.

'We will then explain that the United States economy is doing well, but we believe prosperity for the common small and average people isn't a good thing. A basic education in life isn't suited to making the important decision for family and community.

'This what government is suited best for, making big decisions. These special people that will have the controls of government under the socialist liberal democrats after the midterm elections on Tuesday are highly educated, from some of the best universities in the world,  people that have spent their entire lives studying and working in government, functioning as a team to bring understanding and control to a now chaotic environment in America.'

Success is not a good thing. How can democrats control a population that believes they don't need government control of their lives??

'It's easy to understand once the average person obtains some independence through personal efforts for prosperity, and believe they have now can operate on their own without government oversight. They begin to believe they should have a say in what the government can and cannot do.

'We believe this is nonsense of course. This is why, if we win control of the legislature on
av November 6th, we will end the tax cuts and restore as much of the regulations as we can that will bring some sanity back to the nation. Too much free spirit can be detrimental to average working people.

'A free-for-all successful and working economy is not in the best interest of those that must make the hard decisions in Washington to level the planning field were everyone must be understood to be just no better than anyone else, but equal in the sharing of the wealth of the nation.

'We believe Marx said it best, ''To each according to their needs and From each according to ones ability''.'

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