Monday, November 05, 2018

democrats Twisting In The Winds of Reality : It's The Insanity Debate

Here is the poster child placard that everyone can use to identify who and what the progressive socialist liberal democrats are and represent in the great state of Wisconsin.

The whole notion that socialist democrats are anything other then neurologically flawed can be cemented in this insanity from progressive leftist socialist Tony Evers, democrat candidate for governor in Wisconsin.

Be aware of democrats like Evers, they are not an anomaly, they are standard bearers for the socialist collective. Nearly every candidate running for election or reelection have the same DNA that shows the inability to distinguish the difference between right an wrong, fantasy and reality.

It's the ideology of progressive socialism that drives them, and is driving them crazy to understand why Donald Trump is still standing in their way after all of their efforts to destory him have failed.

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