Monday, November 19, 2018

Central America Moving Up : North America Moving Out.

I wonder where the special people, living in their gated communities like Hollywood, California that are demanding open borders will live, or silicone valley billionaires when the West coast and the heartland becomes unlivable as all taxpayers will have moved out leaving no one to pay the bills.

What? No more suckers to pay the bills?

Will the special people fund the needs of the new voting base? Or will the special people flee their gated communities as well for other places where they can take control to provide themselves with the comforts they are accustomed. Oh and at the same time have the local communities that they have invaded also pay for their extravagance as they did in California??

If this map is any indication of how things might turn out if the progressive socialsit liberal democrats take control of our civil society by demanding open borders, new thinking will be required, little will remine of what was formerly known as the Untied States.

But who cares. To progressive socialist liberal democrats, they have shown us all what they intend for the country.  Once you have gutted the melon, you kick the husk into the dumpster.

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