Sunday, November 18, 2018

democrats Enjoy Two Tiered Justice : Innocence and Guilt Is Fluid

Oh wait again - Kavanaugh was guilty because ''she must be believed'', Right? Wrong!! Just because there are police reports and pictures showing that good democrats beat the hell of their women doesn't mean they actually did, even though one said she hit him first! Hey, come on, relax okay, they said they didn't! Good enough for democrats in the collective and the media.

They are innocent because we, the progressive socialist liberal democrat collective said so, and if you say anything different we will destory you and your family.

The progressive socialsit liberals say it isn't about divisive language, saying things that support the common law of civil society is unacceptable.

 It's really only about hate for you and yours. What's divisive about that? It works for us.

innocence tired

Innocent until proven guilty? Three weeks of trials proved other wise.

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