Thursday, November 15, 2018

Trump's Base Is The Anchor In The Storm : The Anchor Is Strong And Holding

You can run from reality but you can't hide. The Presidents base voters is solid and growing stronger every day, especially with the coming of the nightmare new progressive socialist liberal Marxist control of the House of Represenstives.

The question that many are asking, who elected these new socialist liberal democrats? Who do they represent? And why? Why vote against success? Why vote for self destruction? Why vote for failure.

Progressive democrats are failures. Who is worse off now with Donald Trump and after only two years in office? And after 8 years of Barrrack, who was better off? Oh right, Barrrack and his pals in the democrat collective. Other than Barrrack and his friends, millions citizens were forced into poverty. The middle class was nearly destroyed.

Our county was in decline. Our economy was stagnate and falling. Our enemies loved Barrrack. Our allies feared we would turn against them as Barrrack turned against Britain and Israel.

As the water begins to drain from the swamp, President Trump exposes the corruption and malfeasance that has turned our government into an enemy of the people.

Little wonder the progressive socialist liberal democrats are on a rampage to destory him. Their world of destruction of our Constitution to remake America a socialist nightmare is crumbling.

He can withstand the storm as he is one of us down here in the trenches. We
are his anchor in the storm.

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