Sunday, November 25, 2018

democrats Control The Legislator : democrats Driving The Bus Into The Ditch Again!

The progressive socialist liberal democrats do have an agenda and it's to stop anything that Trump has stated to make America greart again, like the roaring economy. democrats have repeatedly told us they hate Donald Trump and they want to destory him and his program to bring America back into the light of success for all citizens.

Who voted for self destruction? In the face of everything that has gone right over the last two years, why would anyone vote to end our success? Who the hell are these people??? Where have they had their heads for the last two years? Did they enjoy 8 years of decline of  the American dream?

democrats drove the country into near default and personal despair for it's citizens and they want it stay that way. People with no options are more easily duped and controlled when they believe, convinced they no future.

Trump is bringing the citizens the prospect for a good and prosperous future. Making American great again is real.

But the fact is, democrats are dedicated to the fact if Trump is successful, the chances of a democrat victory in November for the presidency in 2020 is dim if not a nonstarter. Citizens doing well and have an uplifted spirit will not likely vote for self destruction.

Little wonder then the democrats are ramping up the hate machine to demonize anything and anyone that has intentions of supporting Donald Trump or his proposals.

This of course means everyone that voted for Trump in 2016, all 62 million of them. The democrats hate them and want them be marginalized, destroyed if possible. The democrats make no bones about their intentions. It is mean, contemptuous and an ethical and moral debauchery of the American dream.

Truly they knowingly and willingly mean to do us all harm just to regain the power for control.

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