Sunday, March 04, 2018

It Is About the Ideology : Good For The Goose - But Not The Gander!

It all depends on your perspective of events and how they impacts your personal narrative that sustains you among your friends. This way, for the progressive socialist liberal, you have no need to develop a train of thought that is related to reality, just go with the group think.

Also it's easier that way and safer for you and your family. Progressive socialist democrats take a dim view of opposition thought. They are known to be become violent to teach the less indoctrinated the lessons they, the uninformed and low information citizens, that haven't fully understood where it's the obedience to the ideology that is paramount or suffer the consequences.

The threat of domestic terror in America is different then in Syria or say Mali, Sudan or Chad. Here it's not professed on a street corner, where bearded radicals aren't seen to often screaming death to America.  But it's in the main stream media, on our universities campuses and in much of our progressive socialist far left government representatives. They all stand shoulder to shoulder proclaiming solidarity for ''Fundamental change'' to the American civil society.

And we hear on a daily basis the consequences for disobedience in the lettered channels on television and in print publicans like the New York Times and the Washington Post. Warnings of doom if you don't come back into the fold. Independent thought is unacceptable and will harshly treated.

You will be place in a small room, tied to chair and force to listen to looped podcasts of Rachel Maddow at high volume. No can survive that for more then a few minutes. The result will total mental break down, leaving you a babbling idiot. Now you will be ready to join the democrat collective.

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