Monday, March 12, 2018

What Does ''Organic'' Mean? : What Do you know or Think You Know.

Truly, the term ''Organic'' that we see everywhere in our grocery stores is a scam and the prices they charge is ludicrous.  Genetically altered produce and live stock feed is seen as an attack on civil society even though it is one of the basic reason we are able to feed ourselves and most of the world.

But no matter, the news media says it's bad and so the weak in mind and spirit follow along obediently.

What You Think You Know But Don't

This is an excellent website with many reliable details Emory Cancer Quest

Bruce Ames was committed to cancer research for many years before he moved on to nutrition. One of his many contributions is development of the attached table useful to compare the relative risk (HERP) from exposure to various cancer causing agents (mutagens) based on the Ames test

Every time I peruse this table I am entertained by misunderstandings we commonly hear from people. For example... "organic"... the assumption that "natural" is good and made by man is not. Ames has emphasized that "natural pesticides," the agents created by organisms to discourage other species from feeding on them (commonly including lectins like gluten), are often much more dangerous to human health than synthetic pesticides. Veggies protected using minute amounts of synthetic pesticides are tyically much healthier than veggies that produced their own natural pesticide protection.

I smile every time I hear anyone say "organically grown." It is part of modern envireligion... people are free to believe whatever they choose to believe, but that does not make it true.

For example, check out comfrey pepsin an herbal supplement available widely that no one should be taking. But it's organic, a natural remedy!! HERP rank 6.2%... one of the highest rankings. Then there is alcoholic beverages all types at 3.2%. The DHEA supplement I take daily... 0.5% Coffee 0.1%... lettuce 0.04%... tomato 0.03%... apple 0.02%. Keep going and you will finally come to DDT before it was banned in 1972 ranking 0.002 ... all the way down to Lindane another synthetic pesticide at 0.000001%

Or better still, the most toxic substance known to mouse... deadly dioxin TCDD which ranks 0.0007 right there with bacon. Dioxin has been used as a human poison, but that is extremely rare because there are so many better agents like botulinum toxin. BTW botulinum is all organic and quite natural... not one of those nasty synthetic chemicals.

Spending 14 hrs/day in a mobile home gets you 1.4% from the formaldehyde... that is "synthetic" in a mobile home. Formaldehyde is a known human carcinogen. No one tells you that most living organisms produce it or that is is ubiquitous everywhere in your environment. No one tries to assess the relative risk from formaldehyde you produce in your own body... the in vivo natural source, which has likely potency far in excess of what is in your air or food you may eat.

But cancer is scary because most people know so little about it. And frightened people can be lead to safety by politicians and "concerned citizens."

It is up to you to educate yourself using critical thinking and asking questions.

Become informed... it might matter to you or a loved one.

BTW... you don't want to know the relative risk of taking a shower using water disinfected with chlorine. That is a laugh... and of course some object to chlorinating water. Some want to "ban chlorine," whatever than means.

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