Saturday, March 10, 2018

Progressives In California Turn Left For Success : And Over The Cliff Into Insanity

And then someone said, maybe insanity isn't a winning strategy.
What's happening to the progressive liberal collective is beyond what a normal person can comprehend. And it's not just California.

The liberal democrats are being trashed and what do they do to escape the pounding, they double down on their insistence to remain on the same path that has driven them into the preverbal back water of politics and witch has made them contemptuous and pathetic in a real world of successes delivered by Donald Trump.

And if the truth be known, Trump isn't actually a Republican. And yet here they go over the cliff into oblivion, thrashing about as they fall into the darkness of pitiless delusion, deceit and abject failure.

But not to worry, there are still millions of people that believe, no matter how catastrophic the consequences of their agenda and ideology of the liberal democrats is, the masses that have supported the democrats of the decades if not generations, are still there ready to vote for more of everything the democrats promised year after year but have consistently failed to deliver.

Who cares if they fail and cause repeatable damage to the country, we're democrats and it's what we do because we don't have anything else to offer. A tortured ideology -  a debauchery of thought.

What good reasons to vote for more democrats~!~

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