Saturday, March 10, 2018

Barrrack's Useful idiots : Saul Alinsky Understood Barrrack

Here is a summation of Barrack's mentor's rules on how to destroy civil society and how Barrrack used them to perfection. Once you understand these rules, it becomes clear what Barrack's true intention were back in 2008 before his first election, when he said he wanted to ''Transform America''.

Barrrack never like this country as it was founded, and he did everything he could to transform it into what we understand as a third world disaster. Luckily he failed mostly, but he left his legacy of burning cars in the streets and smashed windows at universities and private businesses.

The question that remains is why did so many believe he was right, and why so many were ready and more then willing to be used and abused?

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