Sunday, March 18, 2018

Progressives Say They Are Not Who They Are : Elizabeth Warren Is One of Many

This is the age where you can be what and who ever you want to be as long as you can use it to your advantage over others to gain power.

To mention just a few, a white woman says she is black. A man says he is a woman. An obvious white woman says she is an American Indian.

The progressive socialist liberal democrat believes, this is not a fantasy, they believe in their collective black hearts they are something other then who they really are.

Fooling other people is a way of life. Lying!

I believe, in the beginning, Elizabeth Warren proclaimed she was a native American because it was useful in her endeavor to gain access to a teaching position at Harvard. But now she is totally convinced she is actually native American.

Telling a lie long enough and with enough conviction will convince yourself it is actually true.

Mentally ill? Of course she's lying to herself. It's part of the ideology. They have nothing else. Need more proof? She's a progressive socialist democrat.

And of course it worked because no one cared enough to check out a self proclaimed progressive socialist as being a fraud. Harvard's reputation as an progressive liberal institution is infamous for it's proclamations concerning how they are fully invested in the liberal socialist network of colleges and universities accepting the progressive socialist ideology of America as founded is wrong headed.

And what is needed is the old battle cry from the 1960's from the destructive riots, ''power to the people'' with the progressives in charge of the assault, just like in the old days. Guess who's in charge of the democrat criminal activity today? Riots in the streets, assaults by thugs at Republican convictions and gatherings, burning cars and smashed windows in private businesses?

Still puzzled?

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