Sunday, August 20, 2017

Europe Is A Sanctuary for Terrorists : America's Sanctuarys Are Next?

The sign says 'the bridge is out', find another route. Easy enough, right?
There are sign post along the road of life for us to follow that will direct us to ur destination.

But if the directions aren't followed because the person can't read and understand what the sign post tell them, then the road they take will not lead to a satisfactory conclusion of their journey.

And of course the first thing they will say upon finding they are lost in trouble is, 'how did this happen?' They have no clue.

Not understanding how the real world works to guide most of us to satisfactory outcomes, will enviably cause the unaware and gullible person chaos and conflict in their lives.

All that is required to move forward in a civil society is to pay attention, and then use some common sense when deciding on a course of action. That is, seeing the signs along the road and then using them to accomplish your journey just makes good sense and is logical.

Not obeying the signs can have consequences that will be life changing. Why is this so difficult for so many to understand?

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