Monday, August 14, 2017

Democrat History in a Picture : Who Founded the KKK?

Interesting to understand how such a sinister and pathologically depraved organization like the KKK could come into existence and under the supervision of a major national political party organization.
History in a picture. Democrats believed they were and are right.

It's the democrats political arm for control on parade. History tells the story so we can find out just who started this nightmare and why.

Democrats founded the Klan  and they supported it.

And even much worse, the attacks are still coming from the democrats, but only now they are masked under the guise of an agenda that says, 'we will fight for you, but you will have to vote for us or the Republicans will bring harm to you.' 

Decades of promises from the democrats have driven the black population into struggling for it's very existence. Nothing has changed, the sheets are gone for the most part but the agenda is the same, only the tactics have changed. It's still about control.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Given that I grew up in a suburb of Detroit and only ever spent time in the South while vacationing there, nor do I have any southern relatives, so it wasn't until about a year ago I started to truly understand how much revisionist history about the Civil War went on and continues to be spread in Southern states. What first alerted me to it is how often I started seeing southern Trump supporters making online comments about how one way that Democrats are so awful is that they were the ones who started the KKK. I kept seeing this over and over again in comments and posts and it always astounded me how many Southern Republicans don't understand that, that yes, some Klan members may have considered themselves to be democrats, but the reality is that there were no recognized political parties in the Confederate States of America. Most Southerners, including Confederate President Jefferson Davis, opposed political parties, considering them to be a corruption of the principles of republican government. However, many of the members of the Confederate Congress were former Southern Democrats. A few had been Constitutional Unionists or Whigs. While there were no political parties, per se, Confederate politicians often divided over the issue of whether to have a strong central government. Nationalists, including Jefferson Davis, favored giving the Confederate government broad powers, especially in war time. Libertarians, led by Alexander Stephens, favored a very limited confederate government, reserving most powers -- including most war powers -- to the individual states.
But what is so especially astonishing to me is that so many southerners are unable to put together how the Southern states of the Confederate was, OF COURSE, where the KKK started, and that the South was certainly NOT PRIMARILY REPUBLICAN DURING THE CIVIL WAR, as they primarily are today. It blows my mind that it even actually has to be pointed out to them. How can you not surmize that the southern side for slavery during the Civil War was where the KKK began?!

If you’re unaware of how the South started to support the GOP more and more during the 20th century, leading up to where they are today, please learn about FDR's New Deal and the Southern Strategy of the GOP in the 1960's.