Sunday, January 17, 2016

Rush Limbaugh Understands : Truth Saves the Day

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Rush seems to always be where the rest of us are, but it's that he has a knack for being able to articulate what the rest of us are thinking about. That is, the truth and what is means for the present day and for our future.

If you don't listen to what he has to say each day, you are missing life as it really is. Reality is stressful, especially when you think you can't make a difference. Rush says you can make a difference and he tells how each day. Believe in America and our Constitution. It has always worked to preserve us, and it will do so into the future.

'Know the truth and it will set you free'. If you are afraid to listen, as it will cause you stress concerning your understanding of what and who you are, then stay in the shadows of ignorance and fantasy, weeping from the threat of having no where else to go.

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