Monday, January 25, 2016

Iranians Cheer As $Billions Fill State Coffers : Objma - 'Mission Accomplished'

And now the entire world knows for sure America is a fool to believe Iran will actually do things to help there country prosper. John Kerry says, 'yeah maybe the will use some of the money for terrorism but most of it will used for infrastructure'.

Is there some common sense in that statement? Do you believe John Kerry is mentally sound in this statement or totally suffering from a psychological  break down in his ability to determine reality. Or maybe even worse, he is simply a progressive socialist and this is standard operating procedure?

The entire world hoped Mr Objma and the progressive socialists would come their senses and stop the transfer of $billions of dollars to the Iranian terrorist nation, but the reality is Mr Objma is all in on engaging with the Iranians to support his legacy of Muslim jihad throughout the middle east and Africa.

And if the truth be known, Mr Objma is now trying to fulfill his legacy at home, opening our boarders to hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants, playing a leadership role in supporting new Islamic frontiers for jihad in America.

Even before the deal was struck on nuclear weapons that Objma brokered, which the Iranians have not signed and now with the flow of $billions of dollars to Iran, the chant from the Iranians was and still is "death to America".

Of course the question that remains, why are so many among us willingly accepting the ideology of a Islamic Muslim jihad in our country?

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