Monday, January 18, 2016

Hillary Proclaims Objma's Socialism Works : Freedom Is Harmful

Hillary SuccessIf it wasn't enough that she can be accused of negligent homicide for Benghazi or her personal email that she used to mask her and Bubba's criminal activities for their crime family foundation and lying about to congress, but now she wants to continue Mr Objma's agenda of destroying our country as it was founded and that's a winning election strategy?

Oh wait, maybe it will work as millions flock to her side. Maybe back in 2008 and 2012 it didn't have anything to do with Mr Objma's being black, maybe all those voters just wanted to be lead, making personal decisions to decide ones own success is just too difficult. Life on your knees isn't so bad after you get used it, accepting it as a way of life. Freedom, it appears,  isn't for everyone.



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